Common Name
Bigeye Anchovy
Year Described
Hildebrand, 1943
Dorsal Fin: 13-15
Anal Fin: 19-26
Pectoral Fin: 11-15
Gill Rakers: 13-18 upper, 16-20 lower
Vertebrae: 39-42
Lateral Line Scales: 38-41
Body elongate and laterally compressed. Body depth 19-23% TL. Snout conical and 3/4 eye diameter in length. Mouth very large and inferior. Maxilla tip extends well over preoperculum (to edge). Teeth small. Suborbital bone larger than eye diameter. Pseudobranch shorter than eye diameter (does not reach onto operculum). Dorsal fin origin a little past midpoint of body with a concave rear margin. Pectoral fin long, low and almost reaches pelvic fin base. Pelvic fin a bit closer to anal fin base than pectoral fin base. Pelvic fin with seven rays. Anal fin origin under middle of dorsal fin and has a long base. Caudal fin forked. Anus closer to pelvic fin base than anal fin origin. Scales cycloid and deciduous. Lateral line absent.
Body translucent with a wide (about 3/4 eye diameter) silvery stripe that does not narrow significantly. Fins clear.
Maximum size to 92mm TL.
An inshore species found in clear marine waters. Schooling.
Southern Florida to the Bahamas, the Caribbean Sea, and continental from the Yucatan to Venezuela.
Hildebrand, S.F. 1964. Engraulidae and Clupeidae (pp. 152-454). In: Fishes of the Western North Atlantic. Mem. Sears Fnd. Mar. Res. 1 (Vol. 3): 1-630.
McEachran, J.D. & J.D. Fechhelm. 1998. Fishes of the Gulf of Mexico. Volume 1: Myxiniformes to Gasterosteiformes. University of Texas Press, Austin. i-viii + 1-1112.