Common Name
Shortnose Tripodfish
Year Described
Sulak, 1977
Dorsal Fin: 14
Anal Fin: 9
Pelvic Fin: 9 (first two thickened and elongate)
Pectoral Fin: two tiny rays; then 2 rays thickened and elongate; then 1 tiny ray; then 13 joined rays of moderate length
Branchiostegal Rays: 13
Gill Rakers: 12 on epibranch, 1 on corner, and 28 lower (first arch)
Lateral Line: 57-61
Vertebrae: 59
Body fairly elongate with a tiny eye, relatively short snout, and a large mouth. Teeth small. Pectoral fin in two parts, with several elongate rays extending beyond caudal fin base and a short ventral section. Ventral fins with first rays thickened and slightly elongate (much less than SL). Anal fin origin under last ray of dorsal fin. Lowermost caudal fin principle rays are slightly elongate (much less than SL). Sub-caudal notch present. Adipose fin present. Body scales small and simple.
Body whitish-pink with a silvery cast. Centers and edges of scale pockets with minute melanophores. Head body colored except for black eye and gill membranes.
Maximum size to 165mm SL.
Deep slope waters from 1,200-1,600m over soft bottoms.
Southwestern Atlantic: off SE Brazil
Sulak, K. J. 1977. The systematics and biology of Bathypterois (Pisces, Chlorophthalmidae) with a revised classification of benthic myctophiform fishes. Galathea Report v. 14: 49-108, Pls. 1-7.
Other Notes
Most closely related to Bathypterois longifilis from the SW Pacific and B. ventralis from the E. Pacific.