Common Name
Parr's Cusk-eel
Year Described
Nybelin, 1957
Dorsal Fin:
Anal Fin:
Pelvic Fin:
Pectoral Fin:
Caudal Fin:
Gill Rakers:
Pseudobranchial filaments:
Branchiostegal rays:
Vertebrae: (precaudal), (caudal), (total)
18 precaudal vertebrae, 7 branchiostegal rays, basibranchial tooth patch present
Small head, anterior nostril without thick raised rim, vomerine tooth patch diamond shaped
Body and head uniformly pale brown. Head, opercle, gut area, and fins blackish.
Maximum size at least 233mm SL.
Found on soft bottoms from 1270-3000m.
Eastern Brazil
Mincarone, M. M., J.G. Nielsen & P.A. Costa. 2008. Deep-sea ophidiiform fishes collected on the Brazilian continental slope, between 11 and 23 S. Zootaxa: 1770(1), 41-64.
Ohashi, S., H. Imamura & M. Yabe. 2012. Record of a Rare Ophidiid Fish, Barathrites iris (Actinopterygii: Teleostei: Ophidiiformes), from off Southern Japan. Species Diversity: 17(2), 169-172.
Other Notes
The closely related Barathrites iris has six branchiostegal rays (rarely 7), a smaller eye, shorter pre-dorsal length, and no basibranchial tooth patch.