Common Name
Speckled Barracudina
Year Described
Ege, 1933
Dorsal Fin: 11-13
Anal Fin: 19-24
Pectoral Fin: 10-11
Pelvic Fin: 9
Lateral Line: 69
Vertebrae: 81-86
Range Map

Rofen, R.R. In: Anderson, W.W., R.H. Gibbs, F.H. Berry, W.A. Gosline, J.E. Bohlke, N.B. Marshall, R.L. Bolin, G.W. Mead, J.W. Gehringer, R.R. Rofen, and N.J. Wilimovsky. 1966. Fishes of the Western North Atlantic. Part 5. Iniomi and Lyomeri. Memoir No. 1. Sears Foundation for Marine Research; Yale University, New Haven, CT. 647 pp., 220 plates.